Saturday, July 7, 2007

What A Day!

This morning we woke to dense fog and set off - leading the other eight cars to view the senic Cabot Trail! Sure didn't see much scenery but arrived in time for the Captain Mark's Whale Watching Tour. When we originally made the arrangements, we had just enough people to fill the boat but when we added another six - Captain Mark had to add his Zodiac! Wow - what fun! Obviously, the two of us went in the Zodiac and we watched a huge humpback whale slap his tail over 40 times - both right side up and right side down! He/she rolled over a number of times and made quite a show!!! We had about 30 - 50 pilot whales playing in the area and they were such fun to watch. We also saw some seals (more than on our seal watching cruise) and a bald eagle!
We all ate at a restaurant close by and then headed counter clockwise doen the west side - at times the fog was so dense I had to almost have the car crawl! Finally the fog gave way to sunshine late in the afternoon - after we had traveled most of the Cabot Trail but it mattered little - the whale watching was spectacular!
I left the camera with Janet - didn't want to risk it on the Zodiac! Now I wish I had risked the chance of getting it wet for the pictures of the whales. Janet was on the large boat an hopefully got some pictures.

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