Sunday, July 22, 2007

Startting Home

Tomorrow is the trip to the ferry in Argentia, Newfoundland - the home of a WWII USA Naval base. We will drive there - 2 1/2 hours and then check in the motorhome and leave the car free fro travel and exploring. We hope to geo down to the St. Mary's site where the big sea birds nest and raise their young. Think they are petrols but not sure. We will then return to the ferry site and check in the cars and wait. The ferry is due in around 10:30 and they will need to unload before loading us and our departure is at 12:30 AM on Tuesday. The trip is 14 - 15 hours and then we will unload and find a place to hook up and start driving towards Georgia. We would love to get about 5 hours of travel in on Tuesday so we can get well into Maine on Wednesday. The important thing is safety so we will travel as the weather and traffic permits. Once back into the US we will have email available as we travel - and we look forward to thatk. For now we are grateful fr the cell phone service!

Today we did more driving around St. Johns - it is a unique city with a narrrow opening to its deep harbor and colorful houses going up the hills - sorta like San Francisco with the steepness.

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