Friday, July 6, 2007

We are now in North Sydney KOA

Tonight we are in the North Sydney KOA and parked overlooking some more great views of water and a bridge!

Yesterday afternoon turned into a great lobster afternoon. A number of us purchased and cooked lobsters and now have them stored in the freezer. Then we had a hamburger and hot dog cook out - just before the rain arrived! The show at the Louisbourg Playhouse last night was fun and we all had our feet stomping and hands clapping. The Cape Briton fiddling is great - too bad we don't have Katherine and Dorothy with us!

It rained all last night and today we only traveled a little more than an hour to change campgrounds and we fueled up along the way since diesel should cost more in Newfoundland.

This afternoon we visited the Alexander Graham Bell Museum and it was a delightful time. We all enjoyed it - a lot. We then drove over to the ferry terminal to see how the loading and lining up works out. We will depart here Monday morning for the 20 minute trip to the ferry terminal.

Tomorrow we will drive the Cabot Trail and also go on a whale watching trip. Should be fun!

Our friends from Texas, Wayne and Barbara McCray, were able to get their satellite Internet working tonight - after we went driving around looking for an Internet Cafe! Hope I can get today posted while it is still on! Fortunately they are parked next to us.

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