Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Tuesday Evening update

This evening brings us to Louisbourg, NS and the arrival of all 18 coaches for a wonderful dinner cooked by Stan Jones using cast iron pots which he stacks for the cooking - great fun and he did this two years ado and I am one of his motley crew cook team.

We have been without wi-fi for the past few days so I am now sitting in the dark making use of this campgrounds wi-fi in the dark! I can barely see what I am typing.

To catch you all up to date, on Sundday we celebrated Canada Day with all sorts of fun things including the Royal Halifax International Tattoo and with it's cast of over 2000 performers - it was awesome!!It was preceeded with a red carpet dinner - just great and afterwards we watched the fireworks which we found to be sub-standard compared to those we have seen in recent years - including Big Canoe!

Yesterday we traveled to Sherbrooke Village - an old restored town and I think we all enjoyed watching a wood mill in action. Pretty cool!

We were parked along the shore of a lake the view was wonderful. We had rain yesterday while we were at Sherbrooke Village but then it cleared up.

Tonight I am wearing two sweaters and think I will put the heat on in the front room. This is the place to be in the summer if you want to stay cool.

I am still waiting to see a moose but no luck as yet.

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