Friday, July 27, 2007

Almost Home!

Tonight we are in Chattanooga, TN - about 2 hours from home! We stopped shortly before 5pm for the night so we can empty the tanks and flush them. We do not have a dump in Big Canoe - sure wish we did! We will dump and then stop at the Flying J in Resaca then travel the rest of the way home. After a good night's sleep we will be in better condition to face the disaster waiting for us.

Janet and Russ left us and headed the final two plus hours to their home - even with Friday night traffic! They have a dump at their house so could wait out the traffic and just park the rig when they got home.

This has been one of those trips of a lifetime - quite an experience and great weather (most of the time). The mosquitoes found me for the first time this summer and really had a fast feast! Now back to bug spray, I believe.

Today's travel went well until we were about 1/2 jour north of Chattanooga when we experienced our first and only traffic delay due to an accident - for the whole trip. We had about half an hour delay - amazing for the distance we have traveled.

We headed out for an early supper and then treated the Land Rover to a badly needed trip to the car wash. We are due to have rain tonight and perhaps tomorrow but cleaning that will be easy after all the grime it had collected. Now the motorhome will be another task for another day!

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