Thursday, July 5, 2007

Lazy Day and Lobsters

Today is a "free" day here in Louisbourg and we are enjoying the freedom to a have a quiet breakfast at a local restaurant and watching the fishing boats arrive back in port with their lobster catch of the day. Last night we had a double lobster dinner - two lobsters each! Everyone enjoyed it! One thing is for sure - fresh lobster is wonderful and we have had our share!

Our campsite is just off the town wooden walkway and just a few hundred feet from the pier where the boats come in. I have been cleaning up and vacuuming - as well as doing laundry! Many of the others have taken off for sightseeing and shopping.

The people here on Cape Breton are warm and friendly and love to talk! Of course we love to chat with them and we now think these folks all run the local Chamber of Commerce! They know their lobsters are the best in the whole world - and we just might agree!

Tonight the group will cook up hambergers and hot dogs and then we have tickets to the local playhouse which is right next to the campground. In the morning the men are cooking breakfast and then we move to our last campground here on the Maritimes part of our caravan. After relocating (only about 45 minutes travel time) we will then be taking off to visit the Alexander Graham Bell Museum. I am looking forward to that!

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