Sunday, July 29, 2007

Amazing progress

It is amazing what a few hours of work can accomplish! We now have put things in place or moved them to the garage and now all the beds and bathrooms are ready for Camp Canoe 2007! Since everything is dry we can just move and store until everything is repaired!

Carpeting removed from Macdonald bedroom

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What ceiling?

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Garage wall and insulation also removed for drying - plastic covers section going into bunk room

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Family room had wallboard removed to dry out walls and carpet removed

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Hall going into laundry room - hardwood pulled up

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Home Safely after 5,400 miles!

Good morning,

We arrived home safely in early afternoon yesterday and had to face the disaster here at the house! Thank goodness our neighbor Ellis Mills found the mess and was able to let the disaster tems in for everthing was dry and the wet carpeting and flooring gone. We have lots of holes and the contractors will be coming by tomorrow to talk with us. Repairs will wait until after Camp Canoe!

After arriving home we and our pictures taken for the chapel directory and then the Leonards took us out for a "Provino's attack" - this is our favorite Italian restaurant down in Canton. The four of us then stopped at the Publix and the Wal-Mart for supplies.

I will put up some pictures of the house later today.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Almost Home!

Tonight we are in Chattanooga, TN - about 2 hours from home! We stopped shortly before 5pm for the night so we can empty the tanks and flush them. We do not have a dump in Big Canoe - sure wish we did! We will dump and then stop at the Flying J in Resaca then travel the rest of the way home. After a good night's sleep we will be in better condition to face the disaster waiting for us.

Janet and Russ left us and headed the final two plus hours to their home - even with Friday night traffic! They have a dump at their house so could wait out the traffic and just park the rig when they got home.

This has been one of those trips of a lifetime - quite an experience and great weather (most of the time). The mosquitoes found me for the first time this summer and really had a fast feast! Now back to bug spray, I believe.

Today's travel went well until we were about 1/2 jour north of Chattanooga when we experienced our first and only traffic delay due to an accident - for the whole trip. We had about half an hour delay - amazing for the distance we have traveled.

We headed out for an early supper and then treated the Land Rover to a badly needed trip to the car wash. We are due to have rain tonight and perhaps tomorrow but cleaning that will be easy after all the grime it had collected. Now the motorhome will be another task for another day!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

On Our Way Home

Tonight finds us in Virginia just a few miles south of Luray Caverns and just off I-81 at Endless Caverns RV Resort. Janet and Russ are camped next to us and we are all exhausted but feeling great about the great job we all did.

We got off the ferry around 3pm on Tuesday and quickly got hooked up and on our way. We stayed in an Irving Truck stop just south of Numcton, NB and woke up at daybreak with a chicken truck on either side of us!

Wednesday we traveled all the way to Sturbridge, Mass and spent the night in a lovely shopping center which had a Wal-Mart, Linens and Things, great grocery store, Staples and several restaurants. The Wal-Mart, much to our surprise, closed at 9pm! Janet and Russ headed to a campground at the last minute when their generator didn't work.

Today we left Sturbridge, Mass and headed south through Conn., NY, PA, WV, Maryland and finally stopped around a little after 4pm. Bill drove all the way and we sure had a ton of trucks along the way! We can remember when no one knew about I-81 and we almost had it to ourselves - no longer! It was a thrill to fill up on fuel at the lower US prices and having high speed pumps!

I was headed to bed before the sun went down (with Garen's permission) but a wonderful shower has given me a short lived spirt of energy.

As we traveled along today we were getting the workmen lined up for getting the house repaired. It is really wierd to be going home and know it is all torn up and looking like swiss cheese where the wallboard has been removed but we will have a few days to get ready for Camp Canoe and each year we aim to make it different...

Tomorrow we hope to nake it to Chattanooga with the final push on Saturday morning. If we get too tired we will go to plan B - as yet to be dreamed up!

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Startting Home

Tomorrow is the trip to the ferry in Argentia, Newfoundland - the home of a WWII USA Naval base. We will drive there - 2 1/2 hours and then check in the motorhome and leave the car free fro travel and exploring. We hope to geo down to the St. Mary's site where the big sea birds nest and raise their young. Think they are petrols but not sure. We will then return to the ferry site and check in the cars and wait. The ferry is due in around 10:30 and they will need to unload before loading us and our departure is at 12:30 AM on Tuesday. The trip is 14 - 15 hours and then we will unload and find a place to hook up and start driving towards Georgia. We would love to get about 5 hours of travel in on Tuesday so we can get well into Maine on Wednesday. The important thing is safety so we will travel as the weather and traffic permits. Once back into the US we will have email available as we travel - and we look forward to thatk. For now we are grateful fr the cell phone service!

Today we did more driving around St. Johns - it is a unique city with a narrrow opening to its deep harbor and colorful houses going up the hills - sorta like San Francisco with the steepness.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

St. Johns, Newfoundland

Today we toured the city and also visited Cape Speer which is the most eastern point in North America. The wind was blowing hard all day and I think I am just about touristed out. Had no desire to go to one more museum or gift shot. Got some laundry done and think Monday and heading for the midnight ferry to start for home sounds just great!
St. Johns is a very colorful city on a natural deep harbor that is easy to protect. We had many American bases here during WWII.
I think we have seen the last of the whales, icebergs, and perhaps also the lighthouses - but their might be a few more on the way to the ferry.
The people here are wonderful and the place is beautiful - in the summer!

One little village of Elliston calls itself the root cellar of the world!

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Beach Day in Newfoundland - No one swims!

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Bill watching the pufifins

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More icebergs

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Creative decorating of exteriors

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Blue iris in bloom - all over the place!

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More lighthouses

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More whales!

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Busy week

Finally we are back in Internet and cell phone communications after a fun and exciting week in the central area of Newfoundland.
On Monday we drove from Gros Morne to Lewisporte which gave us access to a day trip up to the pretty town of Twillingate and then back to Lewisporte. The next day we visited Gander and especially the airport that handled 37 huge airplanes during 9/11 and the shutdown of the American airspace.
Gander we traveled to the small town of Port Blandford where we parked in the parking lot of the Royal Canadian Legion and had a great time with the locals that came by and opened up thir hall - and bar. On Wednesday we drove up to check out Bonnevista and Trinity and then back home again.
On Thursday we went to Heart's Content and they had a party to welcome us and we enjoyed checking out the spot where the first trans Atlantic telegraph cables crossed the Atlantic.
Yesterday we arrived here in St. Johns and back in contact with the world and especially with Ellis Mills who discover the water leak at our house and has been handling all the problems associated with this.
More later and will upload pictures after we tour St. Johns

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Lady Moose

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Boat Ride in Gros Morne

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Checking out Viking ruins in the rain

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Ferry to Labrador - stern opens up for loading - as does the bow!

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Iceberg off Labrador coast

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All going well

Here it is Sunday and we only have eight more days on Newfoundland and then we start thee trip home! We love Newfoundland and the people! Labradore was great but the bugs were mighty hungry - not enough tourists!

We have now seen 14 moose and very beautiful scenery. We have been feating on cod, lobster, and scollops. Hardly know what beef is anymore!

I am sitting outside a motel and using their wireless to send this message - the campground's WiFi is down.

We are in Gros Morne National Park - beautiful.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Red Bay, Labrador

Hi there! We are in Red Bay, Labrador and having a great time. We are out of Internet access (I am at the town hall) so will update you all as soon as possible. All is well with us, the car, the coach, and our friends!

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Final Day of Maritimes Caravan

Tonight concluded the formal planned caravan and we served champayne for the Happy Hour and the four of us dressed up in Scottish wear for the party - of course we needed to share with Janet and Russ! It rain for our happy hour and because of wind gusts our new automatic awning rolled up leaving everyone out in the rain so they ran next door to the McCray's where the party continued under the protection of their non-automatic awning. At 6pm we headed to a restaurant across the bridge for dinner and we handed out the door prizes and we received the gift of an electronic picture frame with the pictures of the caravan loaded onto it.
Tomorrow morning we all depart on the ferries to Newfoundland.

A Toast to Our Fellow Travelers

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Pilot Whales and Pectoral Fin of Humpback Whale - upside down!

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A Whale of A Tail!

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Saturday, July 7, 2007

Cabot Trail View as fog lifted

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Getting ready to depart - we all are wearing flotation suits!

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What A Day!

This morning we woke to dense fog and set off - leading the other eight cars to view the senic Cabot Trail! Sure didn't see much scenery but arrived in time for the Captain Mark's Whale Watching Tour. When we originally made the arrangements, we had just enough people to fill the boat but when we added another six - Captain Mark had to add his Zodiac! Wow - what fun! Obviously, the two of us went in the Zodiac and we watched a huge humpback whale slap his tail over 40 times - both right side up and right side down! He/she rolled over a number of times and made quite a show!!! We had about 30 - 50 pilot whales playing in the area and they were such fun to watch. We also saw some seals (more than on our seal watching cruise) and a bald eagle!
We all ate at a restaurant close by and then headed counter clockwise doen the west side - at times the fog was so dense I had to almost have the car crawl! Finally the fog gave way to sunshine late in the afternoon - after we had traveled most of the Cabot Trail but it mattered little - the whale watching was spectacular!
I left the camera with Janet - didn't want to risk it on the Zodiac! Now I wish I had risked the chance of getting it wet for the pictures of the whales. Janet was on the large boat an hopefully got some pictures.

Friday, July 6, 2007