Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Yesterday - Monday

Yesterday was our first mass movement of 17 coaches from Bar Harbor, Maine to Saint Andrews By The Sea, New Brunswick.

As lead coach we missed a turn before we had traveled 15 miles and the fortunately there was an easy right turn then two lefts to get back on the route. It was sort of funny to double back and have the motorhomes following us going the wrong way! We arrived at the border without any problem and 16 of the coaches made it through Canadian Customs easily - one was piulled over for a fast search. We then all parked at a closed shopping center and then set off on foot to explore St. Stephens, change money, eat a late lunch, and to check out the chocolate museum and store.

Bill on the way to the shopping started feeling slightly nauseated and sat down for a while and returned to the motorhome where he encountered chills and shaking. I bought a therometer and he had no fever so he went to bed and I drove to the campground and got to lead all the coaches. Once we were in Saint Stephens he got into the chocolate and started feeling better. Now I wonder if the anxiety of getting everyone into Canada and parked caused him to have low blood sugar reaction or what. We will watch and I will make sure he doesn't go such a long time without eating when we are traveling. Later in the evening he was feeling much better and today just fine.

The campsite is wonderful and I will upload some pictures from the front window of the coach.

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