Thursday, June 28, 2007

Arrived Safely in Halifax, Nova Scotia

This morning we departed Prince Edward Island in fog but it lifted before we arrived here in Halifax and then we took off the sweaters and enjoyed a warm afternoon with the temperature around 21 degrees celcius. Don't know what that is for us but guess it was around 80 (at most). Some of our people were complaining about the heat!

This is the big holiday weekend here - Canada Day is Sunday! It is also Paul Selden's birthday.

Tonight after happy hour we had a great pot luck supper and then Bill and I drove down to the harbor so check out th ferry and saw a hugh cruise ship departing. Of course I didn't have my camera with us!

We have now been in five campgrounds and have three more to visit before the formal caravan ends and we board the ferry to Newfoundland. All is going well with the 18 coaches and hopefully that will continue!

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