Friday, June 22, 2007

Off to Cape Hopewell

Today we headed to Cape Hopewell along the Bay of Fundy where we will spend two nights. The weather was threatening rain most of the afternoon and finally during happy hour veryone had to rush under the awnings to stay dry.

Fortunately, the office had a area with a fireplace with 8 picnic tables which we quickly converted to dining room!

Bill and Russ cooked frogmore stew tonight and after finishing the cooking, the campground manager transported the food in the back of his golf cart - was pretty funny seeing the manager, Bill and the huge pots of food heading down the driveway.

We are all wearing jackets tonight - the temperature is in the 60's - the high today was in the high 60's.

Tomorrow we will be having a tour and see the high and low tides in this area. The tide here can vary 45 feet. Tomorrow they expect a change of 28 feet.

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