Saturday, June 30, 2007

Fun Time

Yesterday we had a great time visiting Peggy's Cove and then down to Ludenberg. We had a cloudy start to the day and then beautiful sunshine.

Today we played in Halifax andvisited museums, rode the ferry and then we sailed on a tall ship. Everyone seems to be having a great time and now we are getting ready for Canada Day tomorrow.

Saw a great tug boat that I know you will enjoy seeing.

Peggy's Cove Lighthouse

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Thursday, June 28, 2007

Arrived Safely in Halifax, Nova Scotia

This morning we departed Prince Edward Island in fog but it lifted before we arrived here in Halifax and then we took off the sweaters and enjoyed a warm afternoon with the temperature around 21 degrees celcius. Don't know what that is for us but guess it was around 80 (at most). Some of our people were complaining about the heat!

This is the big holiday weekend here - Canada Day is Sunday! It is also Paul Selden's birthday.

Tonight after happy hour we had a great pot luck supper and then Bill and I drove down to the harbor so check out th ferry and saw a hugh cruise ship departing. Of course I didn't have my camera with us!

We have now been in five campgrounds and have three more to visit before the formal caravan ends and we board the ferry to Newfoundland. All is going well with the 18 coaches and hopefully that will continue!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Sunset over Charlottetown, PEI - as seen from our campsite!

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York Minster - Where Mary and Duncan Macdonald got married before moving to America in 1819.

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Tuesay and Wednesday

We have had two busy days and have fallen in love withPrince Edward Island! Yesterday we traveled to the western tip for lunch after having visited an interesting garden where they have recreated many British buildings in scale and also had a maze. We visited the wind research center and a potato museum.

Today was a no schedule day until this evening when we attended the musical of Anne of Green Gables. Since we have an Anne wih an "E" we of course had to send on the DVD to they too can enjoy it at the Cannella House.

During the day we had some shopping, checking out the routes, and general work to be done - like laundry!

Tomorrow we leave Prince Edward Island and hope to return!

Monday, June 25, 2007

Great Day Today!

Today we traveled in carpools to the area of Prince Edward Island that has all the history of Anne of Green Gables (fiction) and of Lucy Maud Montgomery the author who actually lived in the area. We had a beautiful day with blue skies and fun places to visit like the Gouda Cheese factory and the Preserve Factory and Store - which also had a lovely restaurant. While we were there a high school band arrived from Ottawa so we became their audience. Out day was highlighted with a lobster dinner - wow! It was an A+!

Now I need to shower and get to bed before tomorrow - it is light here until about 9:30 so early bedtimes are not happpening - it is past 10 before we realize it!

Gooda Cheese Factory

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Sunday, June 24, 2007

Today we arrived on Prince Edward Island

Today we left New Brunswick and headed to Prince Edward Island via the new Confereration Bridge. It is 7 1/2 mile long and we croosed during the morning fog before the sun broke through.

This afternoon we had a seal watching tour and cruise of the harbor - we saw one seal closs up and a good size group of them in the distance sunning on a sand bar.

Tonight after happy hour we haeaded o a delightful small restaurant and dined on mussels and scallops - all local. They had an 11 pound lobster - huge but since he was about 80 years old we decided to respect the elderly! :)

This is the first time we have been here since the wonderful cruise with Mom, Garen, Chris, Linda and Bill in the early 1990's. That was the fun Caleieght (can't spell it) that we all enjoyed so very much.

Crossing Confederation Bridge into Prince Edward Island

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Motorhomes Parked along bank of Charlottetown Harbor - we are 4th from right

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Saturday, June 23, 2007

Hopewell Rocks at High Tide - today's tide was 37.8 feet!

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Hopewell Rocks at Low Tide

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Hopewell Rocks

Today we had more rain and it was chilly and most of us got soaked! We don't think the temperature got above 63 today.

This morning we headed to a train museaum in Hillborough and enjoyed wandering around looking at the old train cars and the big train snow plows. They cooiked hot ogs for the visitors today so we had a free lunch!

At 1:30 we gathered for a tour at Hopewell Rocks and an explanation of the tides in the area and then we were led down to the "flower pots" which are the pictures I will put up for you to see. We were able to wander around on the floor of Fundy Bay since it was low tide.

Janet and I drove into Muncton to pick up some fried chicken for our scheduled picnic at the Rocks - we received a phone call while we were in the store telling us to return to the campground for the picnic - not to the park! Our "picnic" dinner was held back in the office area - just like last night but this time they had a fire going in the fireplace - it was delightful to roast the rear side!

Some went back to the park for high tide but I stayed back to do luundry, help clean up after the "picnic" and to otherwise stay warm and dry.

Tomorrow we head off for Prince Edward Island.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Food heading down the driveway

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The rains arrived

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Boats waiting for the tide to come in

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Off to Cape Hopewell

Today we headed to Cape Hopewell along the Bay of Fundy where we will spend two nights. The weather was threatening rain most of the afternoon and finally during happy hour veryone had to rush under the awnings to stay dry.

Fortunately, the office had a area with a fireplace with 8 picnic tables which we quickly converted to dining room!

Bill and Russ cooked frogmore stew tonight and after finishing the cooking, the campground manager transported the food in the back of his golf cart - was pretty funny seeing the manager, Bill and the huge pots of food heading down the driveway.

We are all wearing jackets tonight - the temperature is in the 60's - the high today was in the high 60's.

Tomorrow we will be having a tour and see the high and low tides in this area. The tide here can vary 45 feet. Tomorrow they expect a change of 28 feet.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Lupines at garden - but they are everywhere!

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Spectacular flowers

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Bill looking and feeling much better!

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A Harbor Seal at the Marine Center

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Today - Tuesday

Today started out early with a tour at the Coastal Marine Science Center and then a tour and lunch at the beautiful Kingsbrae Gardens.

Bill was feeling just fine today and joined in on all the activities including a tour of the historic Algonquin Hotel and then high tea!

Tonight Janet cooked dinner for the whole crew and then some of us went on a badly needed hike! Too many calories today!!!

We had beautiful weather and day.

View From Motor Home during low tide

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Rest Area Stop - We filled it up!

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Yesterday - Monday

Yesterday was our first mass movement of 17 coaches from Bar Harbor, Maine to Saint Andrews By The Sea, New Brunswick.

As lead coach we missed a turn before we had traveled 15 miles and the fortunately there was an easy right turn then two lefts to get back on the route. It was sort of funny to double back and have the motorhomes following us going the wrong way! We arrived at the border without any problem and 16 of the coaches made it through Canadian Customs easily - one was piulled over for a fast search. We then all parked at a closed shopping center and then set off on foot to explore St. Stephens, change money, eat a late lunch, and to check out the chocolate museum and store.

Bill on the way to the shopping started feeling slightly nauseated and sat down for a while and returned to the motorhome where he encountered chills and shaking. I bought a therometer and he had no fever so he went to bed and I drove to the campground and got to lead all the coaches. Once we were in Saint Stephens he got into the chocolate and started feeling better. Now I wonder if the anxiety of getting everyone into Canada and parked caused him to have low blood sugar reaction or what. We will watch and I will make sure he doesn't go such a long time without eating when we are traveling. Later in the evening he was feeling much better and today just fine.

The campsite is wonderful and I will upload some pictures from the front window of the coach.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Bill and Russ at the top of Cadillac Mountin on Father;s Day

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Day of Exploration

Today was Father's Day and we had a day where everyone could explore on their own and we explored Mt. Desert Island and Arcadia National Park with the Paynes. It was a beautiful day and then around 3pm it clouded over and we had a mild thunderstorm before clearing for happy hour. This evening we attended a Lumber Jack show - it was fun. Now we are stashing everything away for our departure in the morning for Canada and the border crossing.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Official Caravan Starts

Today was the official start of our Maritimes Adventure and after a Happy Hour we had a steak dinner prepared by Janet and Russ and then we had an orientation meeting. Everyone has arrived except the Johnsons who are still at the Monaco Service Center in Wildwood, Florida. Hopefully they will be repaired ond on the way by late Monday.

Tonight I am tired and frustrated - our printer is not working properly and I believe the USB connection is broken. Looks like a trip to the store fo a new computer!

We had great weather again today with bright blue skies and temperatures in the low 70's. All I remember from my childhood visit to Bar Harbor was rain and fog.

Off to bed - tonight I am very tired.

Friday, June 15, 2007

A Free Day to Play

Today Janet and Russ Payne joined us for a fun day by driving to Cappobello Island - the summerhome of the Roosevelts in Canada just over the border in Canada and then we visited the most eastern point in the USA at the Quoddy lighthouse. Beautiful weather and a fun day before the caravan officially starts. I was concerned about the length of the trip away from the others - especially since we are the two lead couples or waggonmasters. Fortunately my worries about something going wrong did not materialize!

Easternmost Spot in USA

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Thursday, June 14, 2007