Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Lincoln, Nebraska

We arrived yesterday and we are parked at the State Fairgrounds Park with full hook-ups which has enabled us to tackle the laundry. We had to head to the car wash and get the Land Rover cleaned up - it was fifthy from being towed in the rain behind the coach.
Today is a beautiful sunny day with the wind blowing and we have used the day for sightseeing and shopping. We visited the Home Depot for more Gorilla Tape and restocked the food at a local grocery. This is one of the fun ways to see the local people and they are most helpful and extremely friendly - just as we have found all people we have ever met from Nebraska. Outstanding people!!!
The State Capital is most impressive and of course Bill checked out the U. of Nebraska Stadium! The campus is very pretty (at this time of year). At the book store they were selling foot warming booties, mittens, and all sorts of cold weather gear!

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