Monday, July 19, 2010

Crossing Utah and Idaho

Yester day we traveled more than 400 miles. crossing Utah and Idaho (almost) and ending up in Boise, Idaho for two nights.
We witnessed at high speed a real cattle drive with cowboys on horseback crossing a huge number of cattle across the main Union Pacific railroad lines in Utah - unfortunately there was no pull off or exits to watch as we were traveling through a canyon.
We saw fields of potatoes and wondered how Dorothy's science fair project was doing! We had gotten off I-64 and had taken US 30 into Twin Falls and the area is well irrigated and producing lots of crops!
You younger ones most likely never heard of Evel Kenibel and his crazy stunts, including trying to jump this canyon in Idaho on his motorcycle! Did he make it? You might want to Google this or see on You Tube!

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