Sunday, July 11, 2010

Independence, MO

Today's plan was to visit downtown Kansas City in the morning then to head over to the Truman Library at noon. Guess all good plans are for changing your plans for the morning brought very heavy rains and thunder that went on for long periods. The new plan of the day was to sleep-in and read. By noon the heavy rain had mostly stopped although we did get wet getting into the Truman Library. We were at the library for several hours and then headed to the Trails Museum. To go West you generally headed to St. Louis and then went by steamboat to Independence, MO. Here is where the California Trail, Oregon Trail, Santa Fe Trail, and the Mormon Trails all started. Before departing Independence all the provisions needed to be purchased and loaded, wagons obtained, and animals obtained as well as scouts to lead the way. Our great prairies start here and you do not need to cross the Missouri since it turns north. The railroad eventually came here as well and replaced the wagon trains.
I wonder how many of current day Americans would have the strength of character to attempt this trip. I am reading the book Oregon Trail as we travel and it is amazing what people accomplished along the way.
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