Thursday, July 8, 2010

Hot Springs Bathhouse Row

Hot Springs used to be all about the hot spring and people came from around the world to bathe in the waters to cure all sorts of ailments before there were medicines to do it. The US Government purchased a 4 square mile area around the Springs to protect the area as a National Treasure and it became a National Park while Woodrow Wilson was President. People came by horse back and waggons and then the trains arrived in 1875.
We headed to the Buckstaff Bathhouse, paid our money, and theroughly enjoyed the next hour and a half! First was a soak for twenty minutes in a private bathtub with ets, then a sitz bath tub, a short time in a steam cabinet, cooling down on a table with icey towel aroound my head and a hot towel on my knee. Then off to the needle shower and finally the massage! They were experts in keeping you modestly covered with sheets and towels and given lots of cold ice water to drink. This might be one of the few things the government has done correctly!

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