Saturday, August 23, 2008

Saturday 8/23/2008

Today was a longer day than we like to travel but it was a beautiful day to drive from Wichita Falls, Texas to Albuguerque, New Mexico.

This rest area in Texas was most unusual and a fun place to take a break. We enjoy Welcome Centers and we discovered that New Mexico now has a very nice Welcome Center - it opened in May and the previous one was horrible and you ended up feeling sorry for the employees that had to work there.

As we traveled along the way today we got to watch the great freight trains loaded with coal and others with double decker shipping containers heading somewhere - most likely from China!

The growth of wind farms west of Amarillo, Texas was most interesting and we wondered if they were owned by T. Boone Pickens.

Arriving back to Albuquerque via I-40 is great - you drive through a pass and then the city lies in a valley before you - but no hot air balloons today!
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