Thursday, August 21, 2008

Thursday - Day 4

Today we woke up to pouring rain and it had been raining most of the night - and headed off via Land Rover to Loblolly Lane to be with Barbara and Wayne. Over and over we said we were glad we had not attempted to drive the motorhome in yesterday!!!

Wayne met us at his gate and we followed him in to the house through the rain and the mud. It was such fun to be with them today after the major surgery Wayne had in May.

Their home is in the National Preserve - The Big Thicket and we went to the welcome center and viewed the film and the exhibits. Almost every exhibit had a snake in it and I sure was glad they were all dead!

This evening we made it back to the motorhome only to find the exterior docking lights were on - Smokey must have wanted to make sure we got back safely to the correct motorhome. Since it was dusk, it made hooking up easier and we we relieved that the batteries had not been run down...

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