Friday, August 22, 2008

Friday 8/22/2008

Today we traveled all day in Texas and still have more traveling to do in this state! It is indeed BIG. This morning we departed at 8:30 am from Woodville and tonight we are in Wichita Falls, Texas. As you can see it is rather warm here but the outside probe was in the sun - and it was still hot and breezy.
We refueled at lunchtime and we had gone from the Flying J in Alabama - just south of Montgomery to Dallas, Texas and we did have some 19 gallons of fuel left but I was getting a little uneasy...
We have stayed hooked up and pretty much inside since our arrival here. Tomorrow will be a long day so we are being lazy. We wanted to go see the falls but the lady who checked us in told us that it wasn't worth the trouble since the river is all muddy and the falls are artificial and they just pump the muddy water from the river. Obviously she is not a star member of the local Chamber of Commerce.
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