Thursday, September 11, 2008

4 Wheeling in Moab

We started off our 4 wheeling trip along the Colorado River and worked ourselves up into an area above the potash mining operations.
Along the way we managed to find 4 geocaches,
Eventually we made it to the Musselman Arch - the only one you can actually cross and cross we did! Not too many get this opportunity and we wanted to do it before it someday falls. It was about 6-8 feet wide in the center.
How about calling this road - The Road Least Traveled? The switchbacks up this mountain were fun and rather spectacular!
Tonight we went for a dinner and moonlight cruise on the Colorado which was also a laser and music show and then nature added its own excitement with an slmost full moon and then rain!
The only negative of the day was a phone call from Nick Munson telling us that Candy was diagnosed wiith a lymphoma. They too have a motorhome and have made lots of fun trips in recent years. Our prayers are certainly with them at this time.
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