Friday, March 30, 2007

Thursday's Fun

We forgot to add to our blog yesterday - it was very busy!
We rushed through breakfast to head to Brighton Ski area to put the girls in ski lessons. Bill took off to prove to himself he could still ski "blacks" six weeks before turning 72! I chose to read an do Sudoku and watch the action!

Thegirls have been having fun skiing and just love their ski instructors. Vivian started skiing without her tips today. Susan will need one more time to get her clamps off - she wants to lean back.

Snow angel making was fun in the new fluffy snow before heading back to the car.

The twins have learned how to eat Luch Charm cereal - charms and cereal! They are anxious to show off this new skill to their moter.

Back to the pool and the sauna for swim and warm up time. Today was their third time of swimming while it was snowing. I do believe the pool has been the number one hit for these mermaids.

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