Friday, March 30, 2007

Friday's Adventures

Today we had a lazy start to the day since we had planned to go tubing at Gorgoza Park. Bill had to take the twins for a ride to see what it was all about before they agreed to go (Cartoon Network and the pool had priority).

Once they saw the tubing off we went and they had a great time and before long were even cruising down by themselves - what fun! They even thought the ride to the top of the hill on the lift was great fun and they had it mastered after the first trip.

Go Fish has lost a little of its excitement - Gramps won big two times in a row.

Again the pool was #1 and today they achieved swimming the length of the pool with a "high five" to Grammie at the half way mark. They were thrilled with their accomplishment! Don't think they thought the could do it until they did it!

Tomorrow we leave our timeshare and check in to a hotel in Salt Lake near the airport and some Salt Lake City adventures.

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