Monday, March 26, 2007

Pretty busy and exciting day!

Today started at 4:45 am EDT at the Drury Inn at Atlanta Airport...
1 bus ride
1 escalator ride
1 train ride
1 airplane ride from Atlanta to Salt Lake City - the twins first airplane trip
2 moving sidewalks
1 more escalator
2 elevators
1 rental car

Explored the condo and unpacked
Off to the grocery store
back to the condo for lunch and then finally to the
POOL - after 2 hours of non-stop activity we have returned to the condo because the grandparents are tired but not the whirlwind duo!

I took some farewell pictures yesterday with the good camera but we cannot find the camera - hopefully it is and will remain untouched in Bill's car. We have the smaller camera with little charge and no charger. Just picked up a throw-a-way one to use.

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