Friday, March 30, 2007

Friday's Adventures

Today we had a lazy start to the day since we had planned to go tubing at Gorgoza Park. Bill had to take the twins for a ride to see what it was all about before they agreed to go (Cartoon Network and the pool had priority).

Once they saw the tubing off we went and they had a great time and before long were even cruising down by themselves - what fun! They even thought the ride to the top of the hill on the lift was great fun and they had it mastered after the first trip.

Go Fish has lost a little of its excitement - Gramps won big two times in a row.

Again the pool was #1 and today they achieved swimming the length of the pool with a "high five" to Grammie at the half way mark. They were thrilled with their accomplishment! Don't think they thought the could do it until they did it!

Tomorrow we leave our timeshare and check in to a hotel in Salt Lake near the airport and some Salt Lake City adventures.

Thursday's Fun

We forgot to add to our blog yesterday - it was very busy!
We rushed through breakfast to head to Brighton Ski area to put the girls in ski lessons. Bill took off to prove to himself he could still ski "blacks" six weeks before turning 72! I chose to read an do Sudoku and watch the action!

Thegirls have been having fun skiing and just love their ski instructors. Vivian started skiing without her tips today. Susan will need one more time to get her clamps off - she wants to lean back.

Snow angel making was fun in the new fluffy snow before heading back to the car.

The twins have learned how to eat Luch Charm cereal - charms and cereal! They are anxious to show off this new skill to their moter.

Back to the pool and the sauna for swim and warm up time. Today was their third time of swimming while it was snowing. I do believe the pool has been the number one hit for these mermaids.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

A Lazy Day

Today we have had snow and rain all day and the twins seem content to just hang out here at the condo playing "Go Fish", coloring the Park City Menu Guides, and watching the cartoon network.
Vivian made a trip to Wal*Mart with Grammie to pick up the pictures they have taken. They were well pleased with their photos!
Of course the most important activity of the day was swimming in the snow!
The snow that carpeted our area this morning has melted even though new snow is falling.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Skiiers and Swimmers

Vivan and Susan are really mermaids - just ask them! Perhaps they have turned into fish. They took to the slopes today just like the other eight grandchildren that have proceded them. Today they earned their star for the ski tow chairs, and a stop sign for learning their pizza wedge stops. Both were skiing by themselves with big smiles - and lots of falling over and getting up again.
The oldsters had a good time too - Grammie was quite content with a green run and Gramps was happy doing blue. Both had a few aches afterwards! :)

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Monday, March 26, 2007

Pretty busy and exciting day!

Today started at 4:45 am EDT at the Drury Inn at Atlanta Airport...
1 bus ride
1 escalator ride
1 train ride
1 airplane ride from Atlanta to Salt Lake City - the twins first airplane trip
2 moving sidewalks
1 more escalator
2 elevators
1 rental car

Explored the condo and unpacked
Off to the grocery store
back to the condo for lunch and then finally to the
POOL - after 2 hours of non-stop activity we have returned to the condo because the grandparents are tired but not the whirlwind duo!

I took some farewell pictures yesterday with the good camera but we cannot find the camera - hopefully it is and will remain untouched in Bill's car. We have the smaller camera with little charge and no charger. Just picked up a throw-a-way one to use.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Packing Time

This morning we read the manual and took the keys with us to lock up the motorhome and say goodbye to it until next week. Then back home to pack up for our ski trip with the twins. We are having dinner with the Cannellas then off to the airport for the night - we have a 7am flight in the morning.

Moving Day

Moving day RV style. It was 5 steps down from the old motorhome and 6 steps up into the new one! They used to let you put a plank of wood between the two motorhomes for the move but someone was injured and the insurance company will not allow any more! Our new house batteries were swapped out, our satellite in motion moved over, plus a number of other changes then we carried, carried, and carried some more. By noon on Saturday we had emptied and almost has stowed all the stuff in the motorhome and left for Big Canoe.

We were pleased with the improvements on the new motorhome and made it safely back to Big Canoe. We went out for dinner with the Leonards and then ran back over to the motorhome to get our prescriptions and couldn't figure out how to relock the motorhome without the keys (which were at the house).
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Are we crazy?

On Thursday afternoon we purchased a new (to us) Monaco Dynasty motorhome. This is a 2004 model and has less mileage than our old one and has many of the upgrades we have been looking for. This coach was owned by an acquaintance of ours who had purchased a brand new one.
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Wednesday, March 21, 2007

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First Blog

Good afternoon! We have been attending the FMCA International Convention here in Perry Georgia this week Today we attended the workshop on blogging.