Sunday, February 28, 2010

Atchafalaya Swamp

21 States and 2 Canadian Providences drain water into what area? The Red River and Mississippi River also drain into this area. Have any of you heard about the Atchafalaya Swamp? Have any of you heard of the famous 1927 flood? Today we lunched along its banks and enjoyed learning about the history of the area and its people, enjoyed lunch along the water, and then had a boat tour of the swamp.

How do you like this house - note the wring washing machine on the right side of the porch. To the left of it are the washer tubs with the Marti Gras beads hanging from it. Very colorful!

McGee Landing is where we had lunch and the tour boat is to the left.

The music is fun and lively and the lunch crowd was up and dancing as soon as the music started. Such fun. Jack Ehlenberg told us all the restaurants have cajun music on Sunday afternoons. He gave us the names of a number of places to visit - sounds like we could use several weeks here!
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