Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Blue Heron Rescue

While exploring the beautiful waterfront area of Marquette we happened upon a man who had been fishing. He had cast his line as a blue heron flew into the line and became hooked on his tripple hook lure! The bird would struggle and pull out line and then he would reel it in but then could do nothing. I had sissors in the car which I got, along with my sweater. Unfortunately we had no blanked to throw over the bird. The lure was hooked into his body under his left wing and I was unable to remove it without wire cutters. Finally I had to cut the lure loose and let the bird go free and hopefully he will be able to either live with the lure or pull free of it. At least he now can run, fly, and eat since he is free of the mono-filament line. My left arm ended up a little cut up and bloody since he bit me but it is healing well.

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