Sunday, August 16, 2009

Apostle Islands Boat Tour

Although we encountered some rain, we enjoyed the boat tour and especially the rock caves and light houses. We did enjoy the Pictured Rocks National Seashore even more.
This morning the four of us headed in the rain to the lilttle Episcopal Church in town and it is a good thing we went for there were only two additional worshipers! The actual count was 11 counting the vicar, lay reader, deacon, two musicians, and the four of us! The Vicar had his undergraduate degree from Julliard and one of the two musicians who had been in town for the Bach series this summer had studied at Eastman School of music and had just graduated. The Vicar was in an electric wheelchair and had pre-recorded the music and hymns earlier for the service. It was obvious he was a very schooled and talented organist. After the service they normally have a garden party with sherry, lemonade, and pastries but this had been moved into the church hall. Unfortunately we had to leave and check out of the campground and headed to the Bad River Casino. Full 50 amp service and water, and again for free. Once again Betty and I tried to make donations for the camping and she won $20.60 and I won $6.49. We did great on the penny slots!

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