Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Rouge Plant, Jiffy, Plant, Michigan State University and Michigan Capitol

Smokey is traveling well and so is Ruby Jean, Jack and Betty's dog.
This morning we started off by getting on the first bus leaving The Henry Ford Museaum for the tour of the Rouge (River) Ford Plant. This is where they make the Ford 150 pick-up trucks. This was really interesting and we could have spent a lot more time there. The Henry Ford experience was a five star! We departed for Chelsea and the Jiffy Mix plant. All the Jiffy mixes are made here. The parking jobs by Bill and Jack were impressive. Next stop was Michigan State University so Bill and Jack could check out the stadium. Spartan Stadium was bland as stadiums go. We camped out in a University parking lot and grilled out then went touring of downtown and the capitol complex. Very utilitarian as an overall impression. Just as gray as a winter day!

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