Monday, July 13, 2009

Monday in Springfield

Saturday we traveled to Springfield, Ohio and arrived just before the heaven's opened with torrential rains. We were warm and cozy - and dry inside the motorcoach! Later in the day I worked on the decorations and that evening we went to the volunteer appreciation dinner.

Yesterday, Bill and a friend went to Dayton, Ohio to the National Air Force Museum for a wonderful day of airplanes and aviation history. Again, I worked with the committee decorating the building to become our dining room and entertainment center. Scott, Nancy Wolfe is the very talented planner and decorator. Last night eight of us headed to the steak house for dinner.

Today was a second day of glorious weather with low humidity and the highs in the 70's. Lot of people just sitting out and enjoying the blue skies! At noon the official activities started with the opening of the vendors and registration for various activities, including the Monacos-In-Motion luncheon. Bill had the Moultrie Rally audit performed this morning and he and Janet were glad to get the books closed. This afternoon he had a board meeting of the officers here in our coach while I helped man the booth for luncheon ticket sales.

This evening was a hosted reception with barbecue and free beer and wine - huge attendance and it was fun to see all our friends from around the country.
Afterwards a group of us headed to Young's Ice Cream - a local favorite with Jersey cows, goats, and all sorts of activities. The ice cream was great!

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