Sunday, October 21, 2007

Heading South With Wqarm Hearts and Greqat Memories

This is now Sunday morning and we have departed Rochester and we are headed to the Monaco Come Home Rallly.

Friday at the U of R was a busy day and the highpoint was the Class of 57 receiving their Alumni Medations during a ceremony in the Interfaith Chapel which was followed by the Presiden't Reception and then old friends gathering at the RV for visiting and chatting into the night.

Saturday morning we attending the speech given by Colin Powell and he was awesome! Spoke for an hour without notes and with a sence of humor. He had many standing ovations which surprised us since as we approached the Palestra, there were protestors outside with signs and yelling. I wished that the administration had placed speakers blasting his speech for the protestors!Luch was then served in tents that protected us from the rain and wind.

The football game started in the rain but the sun had come out before we departed for Sarbucks to meet Shiellee and Carl (Susan's Godparents) for some coffee and updating. We last saw them last year in New Mexico. Their talented daughter, Teri, has done some spectaular art work for a piece of Steuban Glass sculpture.

Last night the Class of 57 had its Reunion Dinner at the Genessee Valley Club. This is where Katherine Miller had been the business manager for over 20 years. We were haning out with Ed Morrison and Judy (Ed had bee one of Bill's grooomsmen) Bill and Ed had been part of the Yellow Jackets singing group which exists today and they were included with the group for the singing of Melioria our Alma Mater song - they even did great with the words!

With warm hearts we climbed into bed last night. It had been a great weekend with many of our friends and memories of many who are no longer with us.

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