Thursday, October 25, 2007

Busy time in Greensboro

Looks like the Monaco Corporation brought the rain from Oregon to North Carolina. We have been parked at the convention center and fortunately we are on asphalt and not mud.

The entertainment for the last three night has been great music from the 50's - the Diamonds on Tuesday night, the New Odyssey on Wednesday night and tonight the Platters. Great dancing and singing music - and we know the words!

On Tuesday we were asked to be the Waggonmasters for the March 2009 Monaco International Rally that proceeds the FMCA International Convention. This means hosting 400 - 600 motor coaches (800 to 1200 people)- a BIG job. After talking about the responsibilities with others that have done it before and those that might help us, we accepted the job and have spend the past two days in getting committee chairmen lined up and other volunteers. We have had enthusiastic support and almost all of our important jobs are filed - a big relief! We will need to attend the Rally that will proceed our rally in Minnesota in July to learn all we can learn! We actually had planned on attending but will now go in early with the staff and shadow them.

Tomorrow we will head to Apple Valley, NC for two nights and be home on Sunday afternoon.

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