Thursday, February 25, 2010

St. George Island

What a treasure St. George Island is! Can't believe this is our first visit and that we have heard so little about it. The approach from Eastpoint was across a four mile bridge. In the little town is the lighthouse that had fallen over on Little St. George Island and moved to this location

The state park is at the east end of the island and it is over 7 miles long of pristine beach, sand dunes, and pine groves. The campground was 4 miles inside the park.

At the west end of the island is The Plantation and it is like Hilton Head was 30 years aro. It is gated and fortunately for us Bill's SunTrust retiree Jim Armstrong and his wife Betsy were ther so we spent two days with them - the first day was over in the town of Apalachalacola . This historic town is delightful and we enjoyed the seafood there!
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