Monday, July 6, 2009

Heading North!

Today, July 6th we left our parking place in the Big Canoe POA Storage Yard aboout 7:15 am after saying goodbye to the pretty spotted fawn who was enjooying eating our leaves. By the time we return from this trip the spots will be faded away. We drove to the Flying J at I-75 in Resaca, GA and met the Paynes and fueled up and headed north! We stopped for lunch at the Kentucky Welcome Center and then continued on our way. We were held up for some time due to an accident ahead and again we had construction delays. We arrived here in Newtown, Ohio (Cincinnati) around 4:45 - just in time to join the other four couples for happy hour. The Ohio River is impressive and was hard to photograph at the speed we were traveling and because of the bridge supports.
This area is of great importance to us for Anne was born when we lived in the next town and her pediatrician was here in Newtown!
Tonight I was able to hook up the Wii and the Wii Balance Board and get in a workout!

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