Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Sunset at Lake Michigan

Sunset on Lake Michigan was nearly 9:15 pm and we did not miss the show. Our TV comes from Wisconsin - across the lake!

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Prsident Ford Museum

Our visit to the President Gerald Ford Museum in Grand Rapids yesterday was great. It sits along the river in downtown and we enjoyed the whole time there. He certainly was an excellant president at the time our country needed him.

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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

More pictures from yesterday

Smokey, Chelsea Train Station, Michigan Capitol, and Michigan State Court Complex.

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Rouge Plant, Jiffy, Plant, Michigan State University and Michigan Capitol

Smokey is traveling well and so is Ruby Jean, Jack and Betty's dog.
This morning we started off by getting on the first bus leaving The Henry Ford Museaum for the tour of the Rouge (River) Ford Plant. This is where they make the Ford 150 pick-up trucks. This was really interesting and we could have spent a lot more time there. The Henry Ford experience was a five star! We departed for Chelsea and the Jiffy Mix plant. All the Jiffy mixes are made here. The parking jobs by Bill and Jack were impressive. Next stop was Michigan State University so Bill and Jack could check out the stadium. Spartan Stadium was bland as stadiums go. We camped out in a University parking lot and grilled out then went touring of downtown and the capitol complex. Very utilitarian as an overall impression. Just as gray as a winter day!

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Sunday, July 26, 2009

A day at Greenfield Village at The Henry Ford

Today was a fun day for the four of us - riding a steam train, carrosel, Model T Ford, Horse Drawn Carraige and even attending a 1867 vintage baseball game! The section focused on Thomas Edison was most interesting as well as the manufacturing venues. The whole thing compared to Disney World is wonderful without all the commercial "In Your Face" money making ventures. A tributte to Gershwin performance was most enjoyable. Great day!

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Saturday, July 25, 2009

Building a Model T . Not too often do you get this opportunity - but here at the Henry Ford Museum, they do it once a day! I installed the spark plug wires and Jack and Bill installed the skirts so the body couod be placed on the chassis. By mid-afternoon it would have been completed and then taken apart for the next day. Pretty cool for the children of all ages.

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The Henry Ford Museum

The Henry Ford Museaum was spectacular and had all types of transportation from horse drawn carraiges to airplanes. The bus built in 1927 was interesting because it was a Blue Bird from Georgia!

The Kennedy car was the car that John Kennedy was riding in when he was shot. I was surprised to learn that a top had been added, bullet proofing to sides and windows, and that it was used by the following Presidents - through Carter.

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Friday, July 24, 2009

University of Michigan Stadium

This evening after dinner we drove over to Ann Arbor to see The University of Michigan - and of course the stadium was checked out. It is huge and has some expansion going on so it will seat 108,000! It was most impressive.

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On the road again!

Cabela's is a well known sporting goods store located in the northern area of our country and in some ways it is similar to Bass Pro Shops but seemed more expensive and had fewer boata and more hunting equipment. They provide great RV parking and even have a "dump" so you can empty your tanks. Bill and Jack both had bison burgers while Betty and I enjoyed salads.

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Thursday, July 23, 2009

So what do we do at a rally?

Today is our last day in Bowling Green, Ohio and we are parked somewhere out there! Actually we are in lot B on street 4. We have over 160 kids here and around 2,600 motorhomes of all shapes and sizes. We have been attending seminars each day (starting at 8 am) and each night they have entertainment - although it was rained out last night. There are lots of vendors here selling all sorts of goods and we have a number of friends here and as you can see, when there is work or repairs to do - there is always an audience! Naturally the local stores and restaurants need to be visited and this group has been a big boost to the local economy!
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Sunday, July 19, 2009

Off to Bowling Green, Ohio

Yesterday we left Springfield and along with 44 other coaches we traveled west along I-70 and then north on I-75 for about 118 miles. We were coach number 39 and Jack behond us was #40. We are now parked on an Intramural field on the campus of Bowling Green University where we will stay until Friday morning. Today we attended the local Episcopal Church just a short walk away and then I had several meetings to attend. Tomorrow I will have a governing board meeting from 9 am until 5pm and perhaps it will also extend into Tuesday. My bottom will become mighty sore from sitting that long! While I am in the meeting Bill, Jack, and Betty will be attending seminars and checking out all the activities.
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Monday, July 13, 2009

Monday in Springfield

Saturday we traveled to Springfield, Ohio and arrived just before the heaven's opened with torrential rains. We were warm and cozy - and dry inside the motorcoach! Later in the day I worked on the decorations and that evening we went to the volunteer appreciation dinner.

Yesterday, Bill and a friend went to Dayton, Ohio to the National Air Force Museum for a wonderful day of airplanes and aviation history. Again, I worked with the committee decorating the building to become our dining room and entertainment center. Scott, Nancy Wolfe is the very talented planner and decorator. Last night eight of us headed to the steak house for dinner.

Today was a second day of glorious weather with low humidity and the highs in the 70's. Lot of people just sitting out and enjoying the blue skies! At noon the official activities started with the opening of the vendors and registration for various activities, including the Monacos-In-Motion luncheon. Bill had the Moultrie Rally audit performed this morning and he and Janet were glad to get the books closed. This afternoon he had a board meeting of the officers here in our coach while I helped man the booth for luncheon ticket sales.

This evening was a hosted reception with barbecue and free beer and wine - huge attendance and it was fun to see all our friends from around the country.
Afterwards a group of us headed to Young's Ice Cream - a local favorite with Jersey cows, goats, and all sorts of activities. The ice cream was great!

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