Sunday, September 14, 2008

Mesa Verde National Park

Today was a day of adventure as we visited the Puebloan Ruins in Mesa Verde National Park.

In the morning we climbed down to Cliff Palace and visited the ruins , partially shown in the top picture. The climb out was more strenuous than we expected. but all did it without difficulty.

This afternoon we visited Balcony House and had to climb up on a double ladder of 32 steps then another few ladders of six feet, squeeze through a narrow slot in the wall and finally crawl, scoot, or any method that worked through a tunnel about 18 inches wide and 36 inches wide.

Once in the area, the ranger gave us an interesting talk about what they think happened to these ancient people and then we had to climb out - more ladders, and then a narrow ledge of rough rock steps with a wire handrail to the final ladder. About 5 in our group elected now to try this adventure but the rest of us did quite well. Must admit my left knee is complaining tonight.

A final excellant dinner was the finale of this caravan and we have now said goodbye to the group and we will depart early in the AM for our trip home.

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