Wednesday, August 20, 2008

3rd Day - Wednesday

Today we traveled to Woodville, Texas which is the first town north of Warren, Texas. Because of the amount of rain they have received here in recent days we elected to stay at a campground rather then risk the trip down Wayne and Barbara McCray's one mile long gravel driveway!

We traveled on US Route 190 instead of I-10 and enjoyed seeing the rice and sugar cane fields and the small towns of Louisianna. It rained or drizzled most of the way but had no major downpours.

This evening we went out to dinner with Wayne and Barbara to celebrate their anniversary - and Happy Anniversary also to Anne and Gene!

A number of you have asked about Smokey and his traveling and he has become a great traveler. He sleeps under the passenger seat most of the way and comes our occassionally to take a look around, get a few hugs and pats, give a few kitty kisses and then back under the seat. As you can see, we travel with Smokey's basket which contins his brush, toys, light, and his walking harness. When we stop, we get out the toys for a few minutes of fun and exercise for him. His litter box of course comes along as well as his food and dishes. At night he sleeps in our bed sometimes in a small ball by my feet but some night he seems to think that 1/3rd of the bed is his... In the morning we are up before he is (Because he has been up during the night getting and extra meal or two) and meows at us when we try to make the bed and he does not wish to leave his warm spot.

Tomorrow we will be hanging out with the McCrays at their place and will return to the coach for the night after dinner and to get ready for a Friday departure.
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