Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Mitchell, SD to Warrenburg, MO

Today (Wednesday) was a long day of travel - it started off overcast and then we had rain and by the time we ended up in Sr, Joseph, MO the sun had come out. We arrived in Warrenburg and as we prepared to park in the RV section - we became mired in the mud! Fortunately (although our tow strap is in the garage in Big Canoe) the tow bars worked. I had to line up the Land Rover directly behing the motorhome for a straight pull so as to not damage the bars, put the transfer case into low gear and gently put her into reverse while Bill put the motorhome in reverse at the same time. It worked! Nothing like 6,000 pounds pulling our 44,000 pounds! This was as cool as pulling the UPS truck our of the ditch and also a TransAm!
Guess they have had a lot of rain in the area since the Missouri is to crest tomorrow night a few inches over flood stage.
We enjoyed beer and all you can eat Toco Night at the Elks Lodge after we had entertained the members. :)
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