Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Off to Circle Lake Huron

We departed Soult Ste Marie Michigan in late morning after picking up the mail and catching up the blog since we doubt we will have Internet in Canada. We stopped for lunch at a Bavarian Restaurant in Bruce Mines for lunch and then headed for Massey where we parked at the community center. The lady, Denise, across the street saw us looking for the Lions Club - the president of the Massey Lions Club had given me the address of the Community Center. Denise also owns a motorhome and she "adopted" us and we ended up being guests in her home while she introduced us to the area and planned our sightseeing. She teaches pre-K in a native school where they teaching the children in their native language and customs which had become almost lost. The water falls were in Chutes Provencial Park but she sent us on the local trail to the overlook. We also explored the reservation but failed to find the sandy beach although saw many other interesting places.

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