Saturday, January 5, 2008

Have been here 10 days

We have been here in Deer Creek for 10 days and we are not sure where the time has gone to! When we first arrived we had a problem with our electric power reel which Bill was able to correct by removing the motor and shipping back to Glendennin for repair and at the same time being able to access our power line so we could hook up to power.

Our arrival here was great - we had a number of friends accidentally at the office as the Millers and Paynes pulled in! It was good to see everyone again after not seeing each other for nine months!

Sunday we drove over to Tampa and we attended the Tampa Bay Bucs football game with Robin, Scott, Will and Matthew. It was fun seeing them and being with them on Robin's birthday.

Bill became quite stuffy this week and at this point we are not sure if it is kitty or a cold he has picked up. He is on medication and feeling better and hopefully all will work out and Smokey will not need to find another home. He is a most excellent cat and gives lots pf purrs, kitty kisses, sits well on your lap and is well behaved. It is almost like Smokey I left behind a manual for Smokey II on how to behave and how to train us to do what he wants. Tomorrow he will have been with us for three weeks and it seems like he has been here for a long time. He stands on his hind legs and puts his front feet on the window sill to look out the window in the bedroom. So far he has made no attempt to escape. Hopefully that means he is happy here with us.

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