Wednesday, September 12, 2007

In Istanbul

Monday\s travels
Our trip to Atlanta airport was made easy = Anne dropped us off at the Marta station and we arrived at the airport with a number of hours to spare = which we used to ready/ play cards and explore/ Our flights were on time and we were not affected by Gabrielle which others in our group were since we flew directly to Paris and then changed planes there/ Those flying into Kennedy experienced delays with connecting flights and one couple still does not have their luggage/

Tuesday we joined two other couples for private touring and cruising up the \bosphorus/ The Dolmabahchi Palace was as opulent as any we have ever seen.

After arriving back at our hotel at 5pm we wandered up the street and found ourselves in a rug store and guess who ended up with two rugs. The bargaining was fun and who knows if the new rugs are a good price or a rip=off.

This keyboard has some might strange characters on it and I cannot figure how to find the correct ones I want.

All the instructions are in Turkish so I am having a fun time guess what I am doing.

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