Thursday, September 13, 2007

The feet are worn out!

Last night after writing to you/ the rug salesman came and got us and took us to a Turkish dinner show = Bill had volunteered to pay and it was twice the amount that we expected and then since it was after 11pm they would not take our VISA card so off we went to the teller maching to get more Turkish lire/ We highly suspect that the salesman did not want us to pay via VISA since then he would not get his cut! But we did have fun and the belly dancers were not only talented but beautiful!

Today we started out by visiting and walking around and through the Grand Bizar = my eyes were getting worn out just looking. We then returned to the rug shop to pick up the phone charger that the salesman had gone out and obtained for me during the night. We then walked down the street to the Hippidrome/ Blue Mosque/ Sophia whatever/Topkapi Palace with the Haram and then the Palace Cisterns. All very interesting but the cobblestones and the uneven pavement have my feet very tired. I am sure glad that I wore my sneakers today.

Today was the first day of Romaden (don/t know how to spell it) so much extra activity and banners and flags.

This keyboard is still a mystery to me = have found a few more missing letters. Our ship is now docked and we could see it across the GoldenHorn or Bhosporus. Tomorrow morning we have Turkish baths and massages scheduled then check out and board the big boat!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

In Istanbul

Monday\s travels
Our trip to Atlanta airport was made easy = Anne dropped us off at the Marta station and we arrived at the airport with a number of hours to spare = which we used to ready/ play cards and explore/ Our flights were on time and we were not affected by Gabrielle which others in our group were since we flew directly to Paris and then changed planes there/ Those flying into Kennedy experienced delays with connecting flights and one couple still does not have their luggage/

Tuesday we joined two other couples for private touring and cruising up the \bosphorus/ The Dolmabahchi Palace was as opulent as any we have ever seen.

After arriving back at our hotel at 5pm we wandered up the street and found ourselves in a rug store and guess who ended up with two rugs. The bargaining was fun and who knows if the new rugs are a good price or a rip=off.

This keyboard has some might strange characters on it and I cannot figure how to find the correct ones I want.

All the instructions are in Turkish so I am having a fun time guess what I am doing.