Thursday, August 2, 2007

And the blog continues into Camp Canoe!

Yesterday our "campers arrived whie we had the floormen and the job coordinator visiting and trying to give us the necessary materials for the selection of replacement flooring! The Cannellas were the first to arrive and they were no sooner getting settled in when the Seldens arrived. All were VERY dissapointed that Will and Matthew are in Italy and not with us this year.

The kids choose their own room this year after an inspection of the rooms and the damage. A few trades took place but all settled in.

Today we headed over to the new pool and i was a hit! After reading time after a late lunch our planned trip to the old pool and the water slide was put off because the llifeguards had to empty the pool because of thunder. Back to the house for some fun with the ball on a string game (don't know the real name) and then inside for card games - Phase 10 is the new hit game of the season - when the rain started.

Tomorrow we will post some of the pictures.

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