Monday, August 23, 2010

Cape Arago

The botanical garden was beautiful! This is now part of a state park

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Sea Lions and Whale

This was really cool!
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The Oregon Coast

Today we visited the coast again and saw lots os Sea Lions and a whale!
The sea lions sure are noisy!

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Having Fun

Stan Jones going down the bear slide, geocaching with the Ham's and a night on the town!

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Lighthouse Exploration

Yesterday we started our exploration of the Oregon Coast at the Umpqua River Lighthouse which we climbed and Bill even climbed into the light!

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Friday, August 20, 2010

Crater Lake to Coos Bay

Today was a long driving day and through some spectacular scenery and we ended up at the Mill Casino where we will be staying while we explore this area.
We had a great dinner at the casino and then attended the Kenny Loggins Concert which was held outdoors and the wind was blowing! We didn't last too very long and the rest of the group returned to the coaches shortly afterwards. At least this gave me time to catch up on the blog!

Our caravan has an official blog and it is - just click on the link to see some really good photos!
I just placed the memory card back in the camera and now to bed!

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Crater Lake

Crater Lake is a real national treasure! We spent the morning touring and circling the lake. How do you like this little island?

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La Pine to Prospect, Oregon

This was a beautiful drive and the Crater Lake RV Park was beautiful. Our dinner was at a old restored stage coach inn.
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Hail and Big Tree

More pictures from evening in LaPine

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Having fun!

The Newberry Volcano has two lakes in its calderra and we visited them in the afternoon after I discovered that I had lost my VISA card. Had to wait until we found a spot with cell phone service to phone the bank. Very fortunately the person who found it had called the bank and the account had been cancelled. New cards were then overnighted to us.
While on the volcano a storm arrived with some lightning and thunder. During dinner we had more storms and we learned the next day that three fires were started.

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Tuesday - Newberry Volcano

We started off Tuesday with a lecture at the Lava Lands Visitor Center and we also drove to the top of the Lava Butte followed by a picnic lunch. We then hiked into a lava tube using Coleman lanterns and we even crossed under te highway. Pretty impressive and a nice cool adventure - temp was a cool 45 degrees.

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