Sunday, February 17, 2008

Busy two weeks - and over half way through Florida visit!

Can't believe we are now half way through our visit in Florida! The past few weeks have been filled with action - not the least was watching Will swim in about six events yesterday including a 50 lap 1,000 yard freestyle! It was hard to believe it was an outdoor meet in February since it was far more like a July day in Georgia!

We left here in Deer Creek on the 31st after Bill had a biopsy of the prostate - his 8th! We got the results back this week and all is fine - no cancer for which we are most grateful!

We attended a Monaco Travelers Rally in Ocala, Florida which included a number of shows in the area and then a caravan down to the Hernando County Airport in Brooksville for a fun week and this time we had Jack and Betty parked next to us.

We departed the rally early because we had Garen & Company in town and we returned to Fawn Ridge and then headed over to their timeshare condo. They were fortunate in having one that could house Jenah and her boyfriend as well as Kelly and her husband and kiddies. They had had a great week and were departing the next morning via airplane or the auto train for Pennsylvania and some cooler weather. No more shorts and swimming for a while!

Saturday was the annual meeting and it was fun to attend and to no longer be on the board! Sure don't lnow where this week disappeared to - but it is gone!

Jack and Betty are our newest owners down here at Fawn Ridge at Deer Creek and we are expecting them in within the hour. They have been a Lazy Days today checking out a new motorhome that just might become theirs later this week.

Bill finally went to the "Doc in the box" this week and now feels much better after getting some antibiotics.

Swim meet in February! Wow!

Will ready for start!
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