Thursday, November 1, 2007

What A Fun Day!

Yesterday was a fun day! We departed Big Canoe for some shopping and then met Anne for lunch at PF Changs. She was tired from all the costume sewing into the wee hours but had the job done. A little caffeine helped. We then went over to Anne's home and cleaned out the pumpkins and had them ready for carving.

The kids are growing up fast - they were all able to cut out their pumpkin designs - even the twins. We used the Dremel tool to speed up the hole making but they could handle the rest.

Anne made some pumpkin pies and frogmore stew for dinner and we all sang Happy Birthday to Ginger (their dog) who has turned four.

Big Helen and I made a quick run to Stein Mart to hunt down Halloween sweaters - hopefully on sale. I had success and got one whose pumpkins lit up and sparkled! My sweater was 50% off and Helen is going back today to get hers at 75% off!

The Trick and Treaters were slow to start and it seemed weird to have not turned back the clocks so the door bell would start ringing at 6pm. In spite of the delayed start the crowds appeared and all the excitement had quieted down by 8:30 when the four grandparents slipped away for home.

Susan A Princess

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Vivian The Island Princess

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Dorothy The Grey Lady

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Helen The Princess

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Katherine The Witch

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